Written by Jonathon Bradford | Jul 15, 2021 2:51:17 AM

Dawson Mine is an open-cut metallurgical coal mine operation made up of three operating pits – North, Central and South. It commenced operations in 1961 and is one of the oldest coal mining operations in Central Queensland. Dawson was the first mine in Australia to export coal to Japan in 1961 and was the first mine to introduce draglines into its operation in 1963.

A key feature of Dawson is the development of Cultural Heritage Agreements for Dawson North and South. These agreements have established a cooperative framework to help minimise impacts for areas covered by Native Title or Cultural Heritage guidelines at Dawson North, Central and South developments. At Dawson North and Central, we created a Cultural Heritage Investigation and Management Agreement in consultation with the Gangulu People, who are the Traditional Owners of the development area and custodial owners of the cultural heritage in the area.

Long-time clients of Schlam, Mackellar Group, have been mine contractors with their current fleet for the last two years. The Company has also worked at the mine on other occasions over the past 20 years.