Cutting its teeth in some of Australia’s harshest digging conditions, Schlam recognises that asset management specifically applied to GET, plays an integral role in delivering operational efficiency.
The company has extensive experience in GET management, spanning a range of heavy mobile equipment and GET manufacturers.
“The experience, review and impartial recommendation the Schlam team brings to GET management ensures the delivery of optimum cost and operational performance,” says Managing Director Ryan Schlam.
“Our approach to GET and wear management comprises of several different strategies that are customised to the needs of each client and their respective sites,” he said.
“Because we are not affiliated with any one GET manufacturer we have the ability to impartially act in the best interests of our customers, tailoring best practice, affordable and optimised GET management solutions for each operation.”
When evaluating a sites GET management requirements the company’s specialists will create a program that not only delivers optimal component life but importantly ensures that technicians aren’t exposed to striking, projectile or hot work risks by adopting demonstrated best practice replacement techniques.
By actively monitoring GET performance and wear rates, Schlam can collate valuable information that facilitates the company’s continuous improvement program. The shared benefit ongoing improvement initiative enables the company success in delivering optimised equipment performance.
GET management forms one part of the company’s asset management program. It has been identified that there is an excellent opportunity for maintenance teams to deliver productivity and bottom dollar improvements by challenging existing bucket maintenance plans and shifting their approach to an all-encompassing bucket, GET and wear management program. Best practice asset management strategies are seemingly yet to be adopted as the historic principals of bucket maintenance continue to be applied.
With many new wear products on the market, there is the opportunity to drastically reduce the real cost of ownershi as well as hidden or unplanned costs by adopting a life cycle attachment management approach.